Saturday, January 1, 2011

Under Construction

Oh Christa....I blame you!  My lovely cousin and close friend, Christa, has gotten me into blogging...whether I wanted to be a blogger or not!  She also came up with this fun idea which has created another blog in my life...the one you are now reading.  The idea is simple; photograph and post one picture a day, every day for a year.  The picture will have a title or a brief caption but that is all.   Sounds simple but will it be?

Here we go....picture number one



  1. oh gosh, now I have to do it too! What if I cannot post it everyday? I can definately take photos each day. hmmmmm.... I better get to it!

  2. I love this picture! It has so much possibilities! Okay, now I am going to add my photo of the day to my old blog. I am way too persnickety to start YET another blog.

  3. OMG - Another blog to look at - I will always be late for work now! Love the photo Leah! VAL

  4. Great idea Leah! Do i see a coffee table book in the future?
